Semmi ötletem sincs a hétvégére. Félreértés ne essék, nem társaságot keresek, csak valami ötletet. Lett volna egy négy napos prága egy társasággal, de azt lemondtam, mert félek hogy nem bírná a hátam. Valami pihentető dologra gondoltam, lazulás, esetleg vinnék magammal gépet, nem nagyon akarok semmit csinálni. Részben meg mégis vágyok arra hogy valami különlegeset csináljak. Csak leírtam a gondolataimat.
Hát 1 hónappal ezelőtti a post, de ha időben olvastam volna, olvasós programot ajánlottam volna. Ha legközelebb lesz 1-2 napod vagy csak többször félórád, ajánlom ennek a csávónak a cikkeit: Mark Manson - Author. Thinker. Life Enthusiast. - Nekem sok király olvasós/gondolkodós órát adtak az írásai (hamar ez lett a második kedvenc blogom – az első a Wait But Why), szerintem te is tudnál kapcsolódni pár cikkéhez.
4 konkrét személyes ajánlás, ami nekem nagyon tetszett és szerintem neked is bejönne:
Compatibility and Chemistry in Relationships…
VDavid rating: 7 / 10
VDavid tl;dr: Offers a useful framework for evaluating potential partners. Should be compatible.and have chemistry with them. Compatibility means the more practical part (have a similar world view, live at the same place etc.), while chemistry is more subtle things which don’t need to be the same for the two partners in order to match. E.g. an introvert may match extroverts. Chemistry fuels the passion. Not having chemistry is bad, not being compatible (while having the chemistry) is terrible.
You Already Have Everything You Need
VDavid rating: 8 / 10
VDavid tl;dr: It’s important to distinguish between your needs and the current providers to your needs. You don’t need your lover, you need to be loved; you don’t need your job, you need to be financially secure. Etc. Happiness is not gained by preventing loss, but by accepting it and adapting to it.
How To Break Hearts and Risk Losing Everything
VDavid rating: 9 / 10
VDavid tl;dr: Separate yourself from your feelings. Feelings are important but they may be wrong, just like thoughts. Examples: using the VCR example; asking someone out; leaving med school if you hate it. From the outside, these are like “Just friggin do it” but from the inside, if you can’t separate yourself from your emotions, these are very hard.
Your Two Minds
VDavid rating: 10 / 10
VDavid tl;dr: A useful model: we have two separate minds: our Thinking mind and our Observing mind. Our Thinking mind is the uncontrollable one that wanders while meditating; it has all the emotions and random thoughts. You can’t control it but you can separate yourself from it. Emotions are not a choice (they are part of the Thinking mind) but behavior is (they are part of the Observing mind). If you don’t separate yourself from your Thinking mind, you = your emotions and random thoughts. Separation needs effort, but yields control and stability.
4 konkrét személyes ajánlás, ami nekem nagyon tetszett és szerintem neked is bejönne:
Compatibility and Chemistry in Relationships…
VDavid rating: 7 / 10
VDavid tl;dr: Offers a useful framework for evaluating potential partners. Should be compatible.and have chemistry with them. Compatibility means the more practical part (have a similar world view, live at the same place etc.), while chemistry is more subtle things which don’t need to be the same for the two partners in order to match. E.g. an introvert may match extroverts. Chemistry fuels the passion. Not having chemistry is bad, not being compatible (while having the chemistry) is terrible.
You Already Have Everything You Need
VDavid rating: 8 / 10
VDavid tl;dr: It’s important to distinguish between your needs and the current providers to your needs. You don’t need your lover, you need to be loved; you don’t need your job, you need to be financially secure. Etc. Happiness is not gained by preventing loss, but by accepting it and adapting to it.
How To Break Hearts and Risk Losing Everything
VDavid rating: 9 / 10
VDavid tl;dr: Separate yourself from your feelings. Feelings are important but they may be wrong, just like thoughts. Examples: using the VCR example; asking someone out; leaving med school if you hate it. From the outside, these are like “Just friggin do it” but from the inside, if you can’t separate yourself from your emotions, these are very hard.
Your Two Minds
VDavid rating: 10 / 10
VDavid tl;dr: A useful model: we have two separate minds: our Thinking mind and our Observing mind. Our Thinking mind is the uncontrollable one that wanders while meditating; it has all the emotions and random thoughts. You can’t control it but you can separate yourself from it. Emotions are not a choice (they are part of the Thinking mind) but behavior is (they are part of the Observing mind). If you don’t separate yourself from your Thinking mind, you = your emotions and random thoughts. Separation needs effort, but yields control and stability.